Tag Archives: good health

30 x 30 (x 30) challenge


So! Who’s up for a challenge? :mrgreen:

30 x 30 x 30 challenge

Earlier this week I decided it’s time to tackle Goal #72 on my 101 things in 1001 days list, namely the 30 x 30 challenge of doing 30 minutes of physical activity for 30 consecutive days.

I planned it strategically right at the start of a blazing South African summer, of course.

And that wasn’t enough, so I decided to add another ‘x 30’ on the end of that challenge too. Along with the daily physical exercise regimen, I’ve committed to a personalised detox.

It’s nothing hectic – nothing like my 21-day sugar detox – but I’m cutting out as many fatty foods, processed carbs and sugars as possible for the next 30 days, and I plan to eat a salad for at least one of my three main meals each day. I’ve reduced all my portions too, and I’m stocking my pantry I don’t have a pantry fridge and cupboards with the healthiest foods I can afford.

Or at least I will be, once payday rolls around 😀

But like I said, it’s a personalised detox. I know myself well enough to accept that 30 days without any sugary treats at all is going to be counterproductive – I’ll just give up that way. So each morning with my cup of unsweetened rooibos tea I indulge in a single, small vanilla biscuit. Treat? Check 🙂

Over time I’ve come to accept that some diet fads and detox ideas will never work for me. For one thing, I don’t do low-fat dairy. Period. It’s yucky and a waste of money and full of unhealthy additives. I’d rather enjoy a smaller portion of a full-cream product than mess around with low-fat and fat-free options.

Also, I’ll never stick to a diet plan that involves foods I’ve never even heard of, let alone eaten. If I can’t find it in the shops I usually buy from, it’s just going to be a stumbling block in my detox. Ditto if it tastes gross. You can keep your kombucha and your tempeh, thanks very much!

And finally, I’ll probably never stick to a diet plan that cuts out one or more food groups altogether. Yes, I do intend to give a month of vegetarianism a go e.v.e.n.t.u.a.l.l.y (despite my repeated failures in that area), but I still don’t expect it’ll become something permanent. I like my food, and I love variety in everything, so that’s what my current diet plan is based on 🙂

I started the challenge on the 13th of November, so that it ends the day before my dating anniversary with Ninja… at which point I believe we can celebrate with a well-deserved, detox-destroying romantic dinner.

The salads have been easy to fit in and perfect for the hot weather, but the exercise is obviously the harder part. I often get to walk for more than 30 minutes during lunchtime at work, and there are stairs to climb and weights to lift at home. No excuses!

Being the pedant that I am, I laid out all of this in a handy checklist. And here it is, free for you to download should you wish to attempt something like this for yourself 🙂

My 30 x 30 x 30 challenge

Here’s to good health and achieving our goals!


The Cold War


Bleh. It seems that to mark the change of season, I’ve been ambushed by Sore Throat and The Sniffles.

Time to bring out the big guns!

Warriors in my Cold War

That’s my army of herbal infection fighters and immune boosters. If invading germs are able to get past my first defence of healthy eating and balanced living, I always turn to these natural medics first; my goal being to recover before I have to wave the white flag and retreat to the doctor’s rooms…

My task force includes the following commanders and their soldiers:

  • General Bio-Strath with his team of 61 nutrients, vitamins, minerals, trace elements and amino acids
  • Lieutenant General Sinus Tea with sage, thyme, yarrow herb and marshmallow root
  • Major General Berry Elixir+ with prunus spinosa extract, vitamin C, rooibos tea extract and lemon
  • Brigadier General Olive Leaf Extract
  • Colonel Echinacea Extract
  • Lietenant Colonel ViralChoice Effervescent Supplement with vitamins, minerals and echinacea
  • Major Tonsil+ Tissue Salts with atropa belladonna, merc sol, calc phos, echinacea ang, ferrum phos, hepar sulph, kali mur and kali bichromium
  • Captain Combin Assist Tissue Salts with calc fluor, calc sulph, ferrum phos, kali mur, kali sulph, mag phos and nat mur
  • First Lieutenant VirAway Lozenges with honey and homeopathic herbal helpers
  • Second Lieutenant Fresh Lemon, serving in the form of lemon tea with honey
  • And finally, a whole band of fresh-fruit fighters, represented here by Chief Warrant Officer Blueberry

Yes, I am taking all those vits in their various forms and doses. At the same time. All aided and abetted by rest, simple meals, sunlight, fresh air and more rest.

Sore Throat and Sniffles won’t know what hit ’em 😀
