Category Archives: Random



Hi all (or rather, none)

This blog has been dying a slow and painful death, so I’ve decided it’s time to put it out of its misery. Whether I’ll ever try to revive it at a future date is doubtful, but all I know is that for now, it’s serving no purpose in my life or yours.

It all started as a way to connect with the world when I was a carefree housewife for a season, but my life has changed both steadily and drastically since then. And now I’m at the point where I have to start over in many ways, and I can hardly recognise myself in these pages anymore.

So, cheerio! Thanks to the handful of lovely people out there who stopped by, commented or followed.

As always, I wish you plenty sunshine wherever you are 🙂





Hi all

So the bad news is that we won’t be getting a new internet connection just yet, because the internet service provider refuses to install cables in our area. What?! Yes indeed. Apparently there’s too much cable theft in our area, so it’s not worth their while.


So, a little more patience and a little more waiting… perhaps we’ll get wireless instead – at least they can’t steal that! o.O

In the meantime, though, I’m having a great time chiselling away at my 101 things list, undertaking an epic spring clean, spending time with family and friends and generally preparing for what I hope will be a marvellous summer.

Hopefully I’ll be able to upload some pics and share longer posts soon… even if by then I only have one follower left, hehe! 😉

Keep well,


Another update

Argh :/


Wow guys, it’s August already! I have so many great posts I want to share here, but our exceedingly pathetic internet connection is frustrating my plans 😛 I really really hope we’ll get it sorted out soon so I can beam some sunshine into your inboxes once again 😉

In the meantime, here’s a cute face for you to stare at while you wait for a proper post…

Mishka loving his vitamins

Mishka loving his vitamins

With apologies,



Hi all

Just a quick note to say sorry for the long silence… between major life issues and a really sketchy internet connection, I haven’t been able to do any of the blogging I’d have liked to lately. But the good news is that we should hopefully be getting a better internet connection sometime soon… so I’ll cya all soon then, I hope! 🙂






Yikes! It sure has been ages since I last posted! As always, I’ve missed my sunny scrapbook. Here’s why I’ve been quiet:

A Mother’s Day tribute with a difference


On my bedside table sits a beautiful tealight candle holder, inscribed with the words ‘Some people live their whole life through and never find a friend like you’. It’s a gift given to me by my best friend, El, but the words are just as true from me to her.



This Mother’s Day, instead of a post about my mom (which I’ve done before), I want to write a tribute to El. As a young mother with a lot on her plate, she deserves a little time in the limelight 😉

Continue reading…

World Rat Day 2014


From me and my four furries, Happy World Rat Day everyone! 😀

Happy World Rat Day!

Happy World Rat Day!

To celebrate the joy of owning rats, I’ll be treating Moon, Knight, Mishka and Vodka to some salmon today. That’s always fun 🙂

I also want to take a moment to say that you’ll probably be hearing less from me for a while, or at least between now and the end of May. Ninja and I are in the process of moving house, and as everyone who’s done it knows – it’s chaos!

If I do get a chance to shoot off some quick posts I will, but otherwise please bear with me as I make this transition. I’m sure once it’s all behind us and we’ve settled in, I’ll have plenty new stories and pictures to share. Besides, many of the goals I’ve set for myself can only really come alive once we’re in our new home, so that should kick off an exciting new season for us!

Until then, keep well and keep smiling 🙂


Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.

~ Anthony J. D’Angelo ~



Now just in case you think I’m permanently bouncy or unendingly joyful, allow me to set things straight.

As I sit here typing this post all I really want to do is grab the nearest cheese grater and shear the skin off my face!!!

No, I haven’t gone mad.

But I have recently developed a sudden, ugly and unbearable case of eczema on my face. And behind my knees. And elsewhere on my poor battling body. Eczema

So you see, even though I’m generally an optimistic little person, I also feel down in the dumps sometimes 😦

Find out more…

Questions to ask before buying


Happy Friday all!

I hope you’ve had a lovely week and that you have great plans for the weekend 🙂

Healthy choice

As you know, I’ve been doing some research lately on how to change over to a greener lifestyle. This research has got me thinking about why I buy what I buy, and I’ve come up with 10 questions to start asking myself in future. Some of these relate best to choosing healthy foods, while others could apply to virtually any purchase.

Here they are, in no particular order:

Questions for smart shoppers

  1. Is the item processed or artificial?
  2. Could I make a better version myself?
  3. Will it do more harm than good?
  4. Does it help me to meet my goals?
  5. Does it honour God and care for creation?
  6. Is it habit forming or just a rare treat?
  7. Can I share it with others or use it to bless others?
  8. Why do I want or need it?
  9. Is it in line with my budget?
  10. Am I making an informed, well-researched choice?

There are probably a few more questions we could add, but the longer the list the fewer items will make it into your shopping cart! Even if I don’t remember to ask myself every question every time, I do find it a useful guideline for making better choices.

Let me know what you think! 🙂